Students' Union

News relating to Students’ Union UCL, from democracy to club and socs

Down Your Union: Sabb visits Student Centre toilets on birthday – and more

Down Your Union: Sabb visits Student Centre toilets on birthday – and more

Fossil fuel sponsorship ban oppressive and discriminatory, engineers claim in desperate rant

Fossil fuel sponsorship ban oppressive and discriminatory, engineers claim in desperate rant

Union to back Fossil Free Careers after two years of political ping-pong

Union to back Fossil Free Careers after two years of political ping-pong

Phineas ‘Liberate’ Gallery launches to celebrate marginalised artists

Phineas ‘Liberate’ Gallery launches to celebrate marginalised artists

Thursdays to blame for low turnout at Union meeting, says Education Officer

Thursdays to blame for low turnout at Union meeting, says Education Officer

UCL paid for 80% of Union Gym refurbishment

UCL paid for 80% of Union Gym refurbishment

Union apologises for being too inclusive

Union apologises for being too inclusive

Inside the attempt to fix the Union

Inside the attempt to fix the Union

Sabbs abstain in vote to ban oil and gas sponsorships for societies

Sabbs abstain in vote to ban oil and gas sponsorships for societies

Union did not realise Disability Officer had dropped out of UCL

Union did not realise Disability Officer had dropped out of UCL

UCL Union resumed banking with Barclays as soon as ban expired

UCL Union resumed banking with Barclays as soon as ban expired

Globetrotting sabbs to rack up at least 18,500 air miles

Globetrotting sabbs to rack up at least 18,500 air miles

UCL medics back NHS privatisation in debate

UCL medics back NHS privatisation in debate

Union President ‘didn’t feel comfortable’ at COP29

Union President ‘didn’t feel comfortable’ at COP29

No jobs for graduates if Union bans oil and gas sponsorships, engineers warn

No jobs for graduates if Union bans oil and gas sponsorships, engineers warn

Rep Elections: Voter turnout lowest in three years – analysis

Rep Elections: Voter turnout lowest in three years – analysis

Rep Elections: Free cash draw for supporters if I win, says candidate

Rep Elections: Free cash draw for supporters if I win, says candidate

Rep Elections: Candidate offers ‘free lottery’ ticket for votes

Rep Elections: Candidate offers ‘free lottery’ ticket for votes

Rep Elections: Vegan campaigners field undercover candidates for NUS rep

Rep Elections: Vegan campaigners field undercover candidates for NUS rep

Rep Elections: Candidate suspected of using AI and switching pronouns 

Rep Elections: Candidate suspected of using AI and switching pronouns 

Rep Elections: Over 60% of roles left vacant or uncontested

Rep Elections: Over 60% of roles left vacant or uncontested

‘Drink elsewhere at your peril’, says Union as bar prices jacked

‘Drink elsewhere at your peril’, says Union as bar prices jacked

Down Your Union: New Sabbs in Focus

Down Your Union: New Sabbs in Focus

Cheese Grater Journalist Makes Sabb Cry In Meeting

Cheese Grater Journalist Makes Sabb Cry In Meeting

‘Union Funding Barely Keeps Us Afloat’: UCL Water Polo and the SU

‘Union Funding Barely Keeps Us Afloat’: UCL Water Polo and the SU

Inside the SU Deep State

Inside the SU Deep State

‘Too Lazy to be Energetic’: An Honest Guide to the SU

‘Too Lazy to be Energetic’: An Honest Guide to the SU

Umair Mehmood, The Underdog Story: How QR Codes Led to Welfare Wednesdays

Umair Mehmood, The Underdog Story: How QR Codes Led to Welfare Wednesdays

Chun Buckets Everywhere: How Initiation Ceremonies Ruin the Freshers Experience

Chun Buckets Everywhere: How Initiation Ceremonies Ruin the Freshers Experience

Student solidarity, or lack thereof? A guide to SU politics

Student solidarity, or lack thereof? A guide to SU politics

UCL Cares? Disabled Students’ Network report reveals bleak treatment of  students

UCL Cares? Disabled Students’ Network report reveals bleak treatment of students

What exactly is the Not Cool Club? In conversation with the club’s president

What exactly is the Not Cool Club? In conversation with the club’s president

Election balls

Election balls

Union Council bans iPads for sabbatical elections

Union Council bans iPads for sabbatical elections

Homophobia and transphobia at Glittoris

Homophobia and transphobia at Glittoris

Socialist Workers Party secretly run student society

Socialist Workers Party secretly run student society

Democracy Officer wants lower turnout threshold for union meetings

Democracy Officer wants lower turnout threshold for union meetings

Here’s How Many Societies Opted-Out of The Union’s Shambolic Online Elections

Here’s How Many Societies Opted-Out of The Union’s Shambolic Online Elections

Voting shambles

Voting shambles

Online society elections will now be opt-out

Online society elections will now be opt-out

iPad debate heats up first successful General Assembly in four years

iPad debate heats up first successful General Assembly in four years

Why did only 160 students turn up to that much-hyped General Assembly?

Why did only 160 students turn up to that much-hyped General Assembly?

“Zero Tolerance is just a marketing scheme”: Union hypocrisy fails sexual assault victims

“Zero Tolerance is just a marketing scheme”: Union hypocrisy fails sexual assault victims

Why exactly did UCLU need a rebrand?

Why exactly did UCLU need a rebrand?

Why UCL’s NUS referendum was a sham

Why UCL’s NUS referendum was a sham

Breaking News: No Bad News About Bloomsbury

Breaking News: No Bad News About Bloomsbury

Union 15p Card Charge Killed Off

Union 15p Card Charge Killed Off

NUS referendum scheduled for October

NUS referendum scheduled for October

The indomitable ISoc election machine

The indomitable ISoc election machine

UCLU attempt to clean house

UCLU attempt to clean house

Bloomsbury Theatre Updates

Bloomsbury Theatre Updates

Final Curtain for the Bloomsbury Theatre?

Final Curtain for the Bloomsbury Theatre?

Wolves at the Door for ULU

Wolves at the Door for ULU

Misogynist Runs for UCLU Women’s Officer

Misogynist Runs for UCLU Women’s Officer

RIP Pi Newspaper (2007-2012)

Referenda Close

Referenda Close

Censor This

Censor This