Cover Sheet and Templates
All article drafts should include our official cover sheet so we can keep track of progress. Writers are strongly encouraged to follow our news template and review our right of reply guidance. Please make a copy of this in Google Drive and write your story on Google Docs.
Style Guide
The Cheese Grater takes very seriously its responsibility to maintain high editorial standards. Part of this responsibility is to make sure that we know how to spell and punctuation correctly and write in a consistent manner. It is the task of both writers and subeditors to ensure that all articles produced by The Cheese Grater adhere to this guide. Exceptions include Humour and Satire, which may take some artistic liberties, Voices and Letters, where writers may enjoy greater stylistic freedoms, and Women’s Wrongs, where this guide does not apply.
This guide will take previous editions of the style guide as a starting point and refer to external guides where appropriate. It will also set a standard for the structure of articles and provide guidance on picture sourcing.